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Privacy/Legal POLICY


Evoluer Image Consultants has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to protecting your privacy. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or the content or practices of our website, you can contact Evoluer directly at: Any modifications to this policy will be posted in this space. We welcome any questions or comments you may have; please direct them to:

What Personal Information is Collected
Evoluer collects information through optional, voluntary registration about each of our member's geographic location, personal interests, and preferences, all the while ensuring the privacy protection of that information.

We ask you to voluntarily give us contact information such as your name and email address, as well as demographic information (e.g. age, gender, income) through our site's registration form, and our online survey.

We collect "Log Files" to analyze the traffic on our advertisements, develop member patterns and derive basic statistics. The "Log Files" are collected solely for internal use and will not be passed on to "Third Parties" unless it is collected for a promotion or event. Evoluer uses the information voluntarily given to us as a means to tailor parts of our service to your needs. Some of these personalized services are made available directly by us, while others are offered by our content partners. We also use the information in order to analyze and evaluate member preferences, comments, and suggestions of Evoluer's offerings in order to improve the present and future versions of our website.


Questionnaires, Surveys & Contests
From time-to-time our site requests information via questionnaires, surveys or contests. Participation in these surveys or contests is completely voluntary and you may choose whether or not to participate and therefore disclose this information. Information requested may include contact information (such as name and shipping address), and demographic information (such as zip code, age level). Questionnaire information is kept absolutely confidential and is used solely to provide you with better service. Contact information will be used to notify the winners and award prizes. Survey information will be used for purposes of monitoring or improving the use and satisfaction of this site.

How Evoluer Protects Your Information
We realize that our customers trust us to protect their personal information. We take that task seriously. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your personal information.

We urge you to protect your own privacy. We recommend that you do not share your password with anyone or share your password in an unsolicited phone call or e-mail.

Unfortunately, despite all of our efforts, there is always a risk that third parties may unlawfully intercept transmissions. This reality is true of all Internet use. As a result, we cannot ensure the security of any information you transmit, and you transmit all information at your own risk.

How Evoluer Uses Your Personal Information
Evoluer collects personal information primarily to make our services more rewarding for you to use. We usually use this information for internal purposes, such as studying our customers' preferences. We may also use your information to contact you for account and promotional purposes.

How to Avoid Receiving Newsletters and Other Materials
We use e-mail addresses to send out newsletters and other announcements with information about's new services and special features. When you register, you can choose not to receive these announcements by opting-out of delivery. If you receive an e-mail and want to avoid further messages, look at the end of the e-mail for instructions on how to remove yourself from the mailing list.

Who Views Your Personal Information
Evoluer may share your personal information with companies that perform services for us, such as fulfilling orders, delivering packages, sending postal mail and e-mails, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card payments, investigating fraudulent activity, conducting customer surveys, and providing customer service. They have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but may not disclose your personally identifiable information for other purposes. Some personal information is stored on servers owned by other companies. Only Evoluer has the right to access this information.

We currently share aggregate information about our customers with advertisers and marketing partners. This information does not identify individual users. Personal information may be disclosed if required by law.
Evoluer does not currently sell or license personal information. Before selling or licensing your personal information, we will post a notice in this Privacy Policy and on our home page.

At this time, Evoluer does not share any personal information with its affiliates. It is possible that this policy will change in the future. If we do decide to share information with our affiliates, we will post a notice in this Privacy Policy and on our home page. By joining or participating in, you acknowledge that this privacy policy is part of our user agreement and you agree to be bound by all of its terms and conditions.

About Children - Kids Under 16
Children under 16 can look at our site, but they cannot make a purchase. They also cannot become a registered user, or use any service that asks for personal information. Our site is not designed for children. We do not wish to collect personal information from them. This policy is designed to protect children. Federal law requires us to take special steps to safeguard children's privacy. If a person registers with us and we discover that they are under 16, we will delete their registration. We will send them a message if we do this.

Special Note for Parents
If you have concerns about this site or its services, wish to find out if your child has registered for one our services, or wish to cancel your child's email list subscription, please contact us at If you believe that your child under 16 has gained access to our site without your permission, you may contact us at

Links to Other Sites
This website contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of any other site that collects personally identifiable information.

Legal Policy | Copyright and Trademarks
Evoluer Image Consultants' Materials are protected by copyright, trademark, trade names, trade secret and other intellectual property rights. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, publish, sell, license, create derivative works or otherwise use any of Evoluer Image Consultants Materials available on or through this Site without prior written permission from Evoluer Image Consultants.

All of the photographs herein, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted by the photographer. No part of this site, or any of the content contained herein, may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without express permission of the copyright holder(s).

If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately via email at

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